My littlest.


Since Leyton has started pre-school 2 days a week, Kyler and I get a little time to spend to ourselves (and sometimes we play with Leyton’s tractors. . . shhhh! Don’t tell him!) It’s amazing how kids pick up on what they aren’t “supposed” to play with and ONLY want to play with those things. We share most of our toys in the house, but I do let Leyton have a few things to himself that he takes care of. His tractors being one of those things:) But of course, Kyler knows and he ONLY wants to play with Leyton’s tractors. So once in awhile we sneak it:)

I can’t believe almost 18 months has gone by already and this baby is starting to become a kid. He is growing so fast and sometimes I don’t even recognize him. The other day I went to get him from his nap and he was standing there so big and tall and I thought, “Who is this kid?!” Maybe it’s a little nostalgia knowing he will be my last baby to grow up but I started tearing up right there in his room. I’m not sad that he is no longer a little baby (well maybe a little!), but Im so excited to see what his future holds. I’m ready to be the mom of KIDS and no longer babies. I’m ready to have a family that can travel together, go out to eat together, go to a football game together. . . do all around fun stuff that families with kids (not babies) get to do! Not saying you can’t do all those things with babies, its just the fact that now they can also enjoy it and make memories that we can talk about later.

Kyler is a ball of fire for sure and I’m sure will test us more than Leyton has, but he’s also the sweetest, most kind-hearted little guy I’ve ever met. He’s loving and snuggly but will also throw a pretty awesome tantrum if you get in his way! It’s fun to see how different both my kids are. . . Leyton has a very soft side, a sensitive soul and Kyler is a brute, a strong-willed-firecracker:)

My hopes and dreams for them are beyond words and I want more than anything for them to be kind and loving and to stay close with their momma who loves them more than they will ever know.

Now if we can get rid of that binky. . .

Lady killer eyes. . .


Signing for “milk”. . . I swear this kid will be drinking milk at his 21st birthday. . . ok maybe not.

Playing is hard work and deserves rest. . . even if its just for a second lying your head on the table.

My baby, our Ky Guy.

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