Hey there, I’m Sarah. I’m so glad you’ve stumbled upon my little space on the internet. Most days you can find me getting out of bed with coffee on the brain, shuffling my kiddos to school, grabbing a quick workout then working on my laptop listening to Taylor Swift or Justin Timberlake radio. When we have time my hubby and I like to do breakfast dates at our favorite hole in the wall diner. I am mostly known for being creative, having the two cutest kids on Earth, oh and my chocolate chip cookies. People often refer to me as caring, fun, energetic and easy going. (I think I’m kinda funny too, but that might just be me!) I also have an adventurous side when given the opportunity, although after breaking my arm and numerous other bones in my body from a fall off a zip-line a few years ago. . . I'm now more likely to think twice! Yikes!
I love serving my friends and clients by capturing moments big and small. I photograph people who are looking to preserve their memories so that they can look back on them with their grandchildren and feel exactly what they were feeling at that specific moment in time. People who are totally into having fun in front of the camera and are focused on making memories rather than making everything look perfect. I am lucky to capture them. I still have to pinch myself sometimes.
Let's add you to the list and start having some fun!