Take your business to the next level with a branding session! Everything from beautiful (not boring!) headshots to detail photos you can use on your website and more. You’ll get a variety of professional, lifestyle, business, personality and specialty shots to show off all the sides of who you are!

First IMpressions matter

what to expect

We live in a world of first impressions and most of them are 100% visual. Whether you work alone or with a team, we’ll brainstorm the perfect plan for your session and get exactly what you need to make the very best first impression.

your brand, your way

The location will set the tone for your session, but not necessarily be the focal point. I can help suggest a venue once we talk about what you vision for your business. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!

let's chat!

Portrait Sessions start at $750.
Please contact me about customizing a session for you!

Natural light studio

I have a beautiful, naturally light studio in Longmont where I love to do Branding Sessions. If you are coming to my studio, we’ll discuss props, wardrobe and ideas for what to bring!

Are you a photographer? My studio is available for rent as well!

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Site design by Marea avenue

sarah hill photography |